Under the Anzac Memorial (Building) Amendment Act 1934 (NSW), the Memorial building was erected for the use, benefit, rest or recreation of returned sailors, soldiers and nurses.
In this spirit, the Anzac Memorial has initiated several programs for the benefit of current veterans while connecting them to the history of Australia’s servicemen and servicewomen.
Veteran Artist in Residence program
The Anzac Memorial’s Veteran Artist in Residence was developed to provide the time and space for a guest artist to develop work to creatively explore the Anzac Memorial and reflect on service and sacrifice and to ensure that contemporary military experience is interpreted for today’s audiences.
The program won the Innovation & Resilience Award at Museum & Galleries NSW's IMAGinE Awards 2022.

Inaugural Veteran Artist in Residence Cory Rinaldi (photo by Martin Clark)
A pilot of the program commenced in May 2019 with the appointment of Cory Rinaldi as veteran artist, culminating in an exhibition of Cory’s work, A Soldier’s Healing on 22 April 2022. The exhibition enabled members of the public to purchase an artwork from the 16 paintings available along with a range of signed prints and exhibition catalogues.
“Being an artist can be a very isolating journey. As a veteran artist suffering from PTSD, feeling isolated and away from society is a daily struggle. This program gave me the opportunity to face that struggle while being supported by fellow veterans and staff from Anzac Memorial. This caring nature and inclusion into the memorial family was the major factor for the success of this program and is the crux for future success.”
— Cory Rinaldi, the Memorial’s inaugural veteran artist in residence
For further information about the program, email manager@anzacmemorial.nsw.gov.au.
Writer in Residence program
In 2021, the Memorial ran a pilot Veteran Writer in Residence, generously supported by RUSI NSW.
Veteran and author Tony Park was the Memorial’s Veteran Writer in Residence from 23 April to 20 August 2021. Tony served in the Australian Army Reserve for 34 years initially as infantry as a private and an air dispatch corporal, before finally moving to a role as public relations officer.
Veteran and author Tony Park was the Memorial’s Veteran Writer in Residence from 23 April to 20 August 2021. Tony served in the Australian Army Reserve for 34 years initially as infantry as a private and an air dispatch corporal, before finally moving to a role as public relations officer.
As Writer in Residence, Tony spent one day per week working from RUSI NSW’s Ursula Davidson Library, located in the Memorial. During his four-month tenure, he hosted in-person drop-ins and consultation via social media, providing guidance and support for the veteran community while working on two projects – his twentieth novel and a biography of a high-profile Australian military veteran.
Tony was able to provide advice and mentorship to seven other veterans during his tenure.
“It’s been an extremely rewarding experience, and a great help to me, not just to have somewhere quiet and inspirational to work, but to feel appreciated and welcomed by the Memorial and RUSI NSW, and to see them recognise the importance of helping emerging veteran writers.”
— Tony Park, Veteran Writer in Residence
Veteran Work Rehabilitation Program
The Anzac Memorial is committed to creating a more inclusive workplace for people with psychological injury or mental health conditions. The Veteran Work Rehabilitation Program is being developed to support a return to work program for former serving veterans who have sustained a psychological or physical injury. The objective is to develop a program from a lived experience of injury with support from a trauma consultant and stakeholders allowing participants to build confidence and resilience in a safe, flexible work environment.
For further information about the program, email manager@anzacmemorial.nsw.gov.au
Veteran Space and programming
In line with the Trustees vision for the Centenary Extension to continue to enhance the Memorial as a living monument for returned services associations and veterans the Anzac Memorial welcomes opportunities for veterans to utilise the Memorial as a place for the veteran community to gather by providing subsidised spaces for affiliated events, exhibitions and meetings.
For further information about the program, email manager@anzacmemorial.nsw.gov.au
Veteran Volunteering
The Anzac Memorial Veteran volunteer program has attracted a diverse range of people from the community including veterans and current serving members of Defence. The Veteran Volunteer program recognises that people volunteer for various reasons – whether it is to give back to the community, to share their knowledge and experience, or to develop new skills. This program is designed for those who have retired, who cannot work or who miss the connection and purpose of their military service.